Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Love My Town

After work The Husband and I swiftly trotted off to The Filling Station for food and beer, where we enjoyed a view of the Seattle skyline and Mt. Rainier from the deck.  After such a dismal May and June it felt almost decadent to be all hot and sweaty.  We then took a walk around town and snapped these pictures.  I had forgotten how much I love little Kingston.  I just needed the sun to come out to remember.  Probably the frosty Stella helped too, but anyway, it really is a lovely and completely unpretentious place.


Joan said...

Hi Tracy!
Glad to see you blogging again.

Isn't this weather just great! Your pix are awesome! Really caught the spirit of the beauty here!

Tracy Zhu said...

Hi! I'm loving the weather. Hopefully it won't shock the garden too much.

Simon said...

Wow that's some mountain, they don't make them like that over here!

Tracy Zhu said...

Better yet, it's an active volcano!

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

what great photos

cheap flights said...

Thanks tracy for sharing your thoughts with us about your lovely indeed that is home and town. Beautiful photos.
but it seems to be very peril because of active volcano.

façon à la mode said...

i love your town, too!!;)

Anonymous said...

I love Washington. We have family in the Tacoma/Seattle area. So fresh and exciting.

Lois said...

Beautiful photos and they remind me of summer here in the NW......