Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Must be Here?

We've had freezing temperatures, wind, rain, and a bit of snow this past week; but also some signs of spring.  My rhubarb plants are rearing their wrinkled heads, and of course the daffodils have been going for a few weeks, and the crocuses are mostly gone already. I keep early spring flowers in the rhubarb patch for a little color early in the year before the rhubarb wakes up.  By the time the rhubarb is full-sized the flowers will have died back, and the rhubarb leaves will cover the dead foliage.  It is all very clever of me.

I love rhubarb raw with salt, cooked in a crumble, stewed and served over vanilla ice-cream, and any number of other ways.  And bless it for being a perennial, not to mention high in fiber and vitamin K.


Joan said...

I love your daffs with your rhubarb, that is clever!

I think you have beautiful heather blooming too in the background?

Wasn't that snow crazy? I had buckets overturned over a few plants that had just started to come up and didn't want them to be zapped!

Tracy Zhu said...

Yes, tons of heather that needs to be trimmed. It's nice to have some color that lasts all winter.

I was worried as well about some of my plants but everything seems to be OK.

Tracy Zhu said...

Why, thank you, Inspector! It's nice to be noticed.

cory said...

love the flowers :)